
Staffing involves the determination of manpower requirements of the enterprise and providing it with adequate competent people at all its levels. Due to the rapid advancement of technology, increasing size of organizations and complex behavior of human beings. Due importance must be given to human recourse planning, recruitment and selection, training, appraisal and remuneration of workers.


It is concerned with manning various positions in the organization.

According to Koontz, O’Donnel and Weihrich, “The managerial function of staffing involves manning the organizational structure though proper and effective selection, appraisal and development of personnel to fill the role designed into the structure”.

The staffing function of management pertains to recruitment, selection, training, development, appraisal and remuneration of personnel. The responsibility for the efficient planning and execution of staffing function rests upon every manager at all levels.

Concept of Staffing

1. Identifying the requirement of workforce and its planning.

2. Recruitment and selection of appropriate personnel for new jobs or for positions which may arise as a result of existing employees leaving the organisation.

3. Planning adequate training for development and growth of workforce.

4. Deciding on compensation, promotion and performance appraisals for the workforce.

Process of Staffing

Planning the Manpower Requirements: 

The very first steps of staffing are to evaluate the manpower requirement of an organisation to match the job and positions available in the organisation. It also helps in determining the skills and qualifications required for a specific job in the organisation.

Recruitment of Employees:

Once the requirement is evaluated, the next step involves the searching of prospective persons that are eligible for the job and inviting applicants to apply for the positions. In this process, the employer advertises about the openings in the organisation through various media, which makes it easy for the applicants to get to know about the job vacancy and the required skills.

Selection of Employees: 

The selection process helps in screening the employees and identifying the deserving candidate who will be suitable for a specified job. Therefore, it can be said that the main objective of selection is to identify the right employee for the right job.

Orientation and Placement:

Once the right candidates are selected, the organization makes the employees familiar with the working units and working environments through various orientation programs. Then, the placement is done by putting the right candidate at the right place which helps in the proper functioning of the organisation.

Training and Development:

Once the placement is done, the next step involves the training and development of employees. Training is an integral part of the staffing process, and it helps the employees to develop their skills and knowledge.

Remuneration to Employees:

It is the compensation given to the employees in monetary terms in exchange for the work they do for the organization. It is given according to work done by the employees.

Performance Evaluation: 

It is an assessment done to evaluate the attitude, behavior, and performance of an employee. These steps of staffing also help in determining the success of the whole recruitment process. It gives the management a clear picture of the success rate of the entire recruitment procedure.

Promotion of Employees: 

Promotion in simple words means the shifting of an employee to a higher post demanding a more significant responsibility. It not only makes the employee responsible but also keeps him motivated to do his work efficiently. With the promotion, the monetary benefits that the employee receives are also increased, which makes him more efficient to complete the work on time.

Transfer of Employees:

As promotion is shifting of the employee to a higher post, transfer refers to the shifting of employees to a different unit or department being in the same position, This is done to develop new skills and knowledge of the employee.


Compensation is the payment or reward given to employees of an organization by the way of salary and wages. This may be in various forms like salaries, incentives, commissions, bonuses and indirect payment like medical facilities, etc.


Do Not Write below this note

Redrafted for Educational Purpose.

Deekshith Kumar,
Assistant Professor of Commerce

Book Reference:

1. Management: A Global and Entrepreneurial Perspective by Heinz Weihrich, Mark V. Cannice, Harold Koontz

2. Principles and Practice of Management by T N Chabra

3. Principles of management by L M Prasad

4. Management process and organization by V.S.P Rao 


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