Instructions and Information from Principal about 7 days national level NET/SET E-Quiz Course

Dear Participants,

We express our gratitude to you for showing interest and participating in our SEVEN DAYS NATIONAL LEVEL NET/SET COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT E-QUIZ/E-CERTIFICATE COURSE from 16th july to 22 July 2020. It's because of your activeness we had reached to 1700+ participants within a week. We assure you that this journey will give you some better insights required for a NET/SET aspirant. 

We hereby request you to go through the video and following instructions:
1. Every day participants are requested to check email/telegram/whats App group without fail to stay in touch for future updates and daily quizzes (especially immediate after 11 AM)
2. All the participants are requested to go through the instructions given daily before going to form on your convenient time every day.  
3. Participants can go through the form any time throughout the day from 11 AM (within 24 Hrs).
4. Participants queries and clarification will be answered in the form of email only.
5. Submission of forms on a daily basis for all the seven days is compulsory to complete the programme.
6. It is multiple choice based questions.
7. E-Certificate will be issued based on the performance.

Follow this link to join Telegram Group:    

We are delighted to conduct this NATIONAL LEVEL NET/SET COMMERCE AND MANAGEMENT E-QUIZ/E-CERTIFICATE COURSE and expect your cooperation throughout the programme.


Prof. Natesh S.M

Chief Patron
Prof. A Narayan Prasad
Officer on Special Duty
Student Placement Cell
Department of Collegiate Education, Karnataka

Dr. Srinivasa .K.R 
Coordinator, IQAC 

Prof. Deekshith Kumar
HOD of Commerce and Course Coordinator 
Prof. Bhojaraja .S
Placement Cell and Course Coordinator  


For any queries, feel free to contact:


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